ある日、フーリャの娘ヘルが行方不明になる。娘の行方を必死に捜すものの手がかりはなく、やがて彼女は自分と同じような境遇の人々が集まる支援ネットワークにたどり着く。フーリャは、暴力がまん延し女性たちに対するひどい扱いが当たり前の国に生きる多くの女性たちと出会い、行動を共にする…。Julia is a mother, or rather, one of the many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have seen their lives shattered by widespread violence in a country that wages a war against its women. Julia looks for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she will weave the stories and struggles of the different women she will meet.